Tuesday, July 15, 2014

big dreams often begin in small corners...

...of your bedroom or the interweb. I am saying this to you and to myself (which is sort of what blogging is, right?). As of right now I am a struggling business owner of a vintage shop on etsy I started last summer, Videre Vintage. My love for it grows each day as I see myself getting more involved in my shop presentation, my PR/marketing efforts through social media like twitter (@viderevintage, follow me please!), Facebook, and Instagram (@shopviderevintage). I don't mind that this job is taking up most of my free time and all of my summer, I'm actually grateful I've found something I actually enjoy waking up in the morning for; timing out when the light shines best in my room to take photos and making sure I steam my clothes before so that everything can be as flawless as can be. I haven't even mentioned my favorite part of the job--shopping!! Now, I would never identify myself as a shopaholic (still riding that first stage of denial) but if I were to describe this process as an addictive quality of mine I'd say it's healthier than most considering my ultimate fix is a good bargain. Thrifting is in my nature, I've been doing it since I was 14 (wow, that sounded "hipster") with my older sister. I have 6 years under my belt and I'm only 20 and have a long ways to go to reach my goal. You want to know my goal? It's pretty cheesy and very predictable and I won't share it until I feel I have begun on that track to greatness but for now I am but a flower waiting to bloom! My shop is still in the baby stages but I'm asking so much from it (I wonder what kind of mother I'll be...). I can never get discouraged because if I have a slow day it just makes me want to work harder! It's like the video game I never played... actually now that I think of it that is a perfect idea for a video game! You heard it hear first!!

I suppose this blog post was mostly me rambling on about how small of a presence I currently have on the interweb which can reflect my personal life living and working with probably the 4 x 6 studio space I have in my bedroom (I bring a new level to people who bring their work to with them... sleeping on approx. a feet away from where I work.)

So... yeah. I realize I'm still rambling. Moral of this blogpost is I have high hopes for my shop and won't stop until I say "victory is mine!!"


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